The Overview
Radical Slim Keto?is a weight management supplement that is only sold online. There appears to be an official website for the product, but it is available to purchase through their third-party websites. However, brief information about the?Radical Slim Keto?is provided and the manufacturer claims that it is designed to help fat be burned for energy, not carbohydrates and adjust to ketosis faster. The third-party websites that sell?Radical Slim Keto?do have customer reviews, but most of them are mixed.
Only brief information about the manufacturer is present on its official website and there is no way to contact them directly.?There is a buying option present on its official website, but when you click on the ?buy now? button, it redirects users to another product page.?Additionally, it does not appear to have any money-back guarantee and there are no free samples or free trials available.